Thursday 30 August 2012

Candeo - Jellybean

I have so many untrieds since I haven't been blogging for a few weeks I'm going to try work my way through all the indies first since there are so many of them, Candeo Jellybean a yellow creme base with pink, purple and blue hex glitter I don't think this polish really suits me I much rather smitten polish pink lemonade it is my favorite glitter polish with a yellow base.


  1. ohhhh I love this SOOO much!

  2. I love this nail polish, it's playful!

  3. This is one of my biggest lemmings! I love it so much!! It looks great.

  4. I cannot wear yellow polish. But when this one first hit I was gaga for it. Finally ordered it sure I would look horrible with it on...not so much - it's not great on me but it passes. I love looking at it.
