Thursday, 22 March 2012

Hits Power Puff Girls - Lindinha

My friend Zoe has been wanting me to swatch this polish ever since it arrived last month but my weather has been so bad the last few weeks I want to wait until I got a sunny day before swatching this color as you would miss out on the gorgeous shimmer. Hits Lindinha is a gorgeous bright  blue jelly packed full of shimmer it looks fantastic but I did have a few problems with it the formula stinks and is way to thick and the brush was a bit wonky but I have to forgive all that because it looks so good!


  1. Oh, Brazilian nail polish *-*
    I love the colors, but I hate the aplicator brush :/
    But, who cares? Are beautiful haha

  2. This is sooooo beautiful!! I love it!! :D

  3. I want all the PPG nail polishes! lol

  4. I got this and florzinha. The colours are amazing but I just couldn't get over the REALLY pants application and the brush... UGH THE BRUSH! Yick.

  5. The sun really catches the shimmer! Lovely!

  6. Love this one too. HITS certainly has HIT the US in a positive way. Now to just get more of their product up here to us!
